Radical undoing
Hungry for language, a way to initiate rapport with others in difficult situations, the lecture entitled " The art of the conversation” with poet/philosopher David Whyte caught my eye. David's unique blend of poetry, philosophy, humor and insight soon revealed though not expected - that the conversation is not necessarily with others rather the extraordinary world and most especially with that stranger called one's self. There is an underlying vow, the promise that we make in the wide sea inside. It becomes hidden under the stories we tell, the experiences we have and it takes a different form. First break the conversation you are having with yourself and the narrative that keeps repeating, keeping you stuck.
"the sea inside breathes you and belongs. Let your words go without you, lean into the bright whiteness and say what you need to say - as the radical undoing"
These are the essential steps
1. Change the conversation that keeps repeating.
2. Ask the beautiful questions without answers - the unknown
3. Vulnerability is not a weakness, you can risk your story.
4. The visible and the Invisible are one.
5. Make the invitation to the courageous conversation you do not want to have, but seems to keep calling for your attentiveness.
6. The homecoming ..The cultivation of all the hard work.