On napping
Slowing down, napping and rest as a way to get things done is counterintuitive and counter-narrative to this fast-paced, quick, repost and retweet culture. Therefore consider a nap as your form of protest. Rest is critical because it disrupts and pushes back and allows space for healing, for invention, for us to be more human. Try it, anyone can find a sweet cozy sofa, lounge chair, restore over a yoga bolster, sit in mediation, or practice yoga nidra - research demonstrably shows that a nap and rest can boost alertness and productivity, support immune system, improve athletic performance, and lift one’s mood. What the yogis say: both meditation and yoga nidra help cells regenerate and repair and both help decrease anxiety and improve your mood. Afterall we are starting a movement - Rest is radical, and we need more of it. Join other famous nappers through history, Salvador Dali, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt and rethink what a nap could do for you. Build a sustainable movement. Fortified and mindful of the power of our imagination, clear thought, right action
I took a nap
A silent afternoon
Warm breeze through
my window
The sound of the radio in the background
and crying crows.
Weary from grief, sadness and thought
I took a nap
the nap took me.
Rest becomes my refuge, rest is my protest
Deep, radical sleep, dream and
-Kimberly Paul